At, customers’ privacy is a top concern. Below is a summary of what this website does concerning your privacy and your personal information and data. This policy relates to interactions with our websites, applications, and online services from January 30, 2023. In this Privacy Policy, we inform you of the collection, use and sharing of your information in connection with your access and use of our Services. 

 Information Collection 

This information includes the characteristics of the device you are using and its usage pattern over our services. This includes: 

  • Location Data and IP Address: We follow your location and IP… 
  • Browser Type and Content Interaction: One of the collectable data is related to the browser used and users’ experience with content and advertisements. 
  • Tracking Technologies: This information is captured by Cookies, local Storage and Pixel Tags. 
  • Personal Information: These may be the phone numbers, emails, ID numbers, age, gender, and other related data which you share or we pursue from other associates and sellers. 

Information Use 

We use the collected data, including personal information, for various purposes:

  • Service Usage: For the purposes of providing the Services and improving them. 
  • Customer Service: to help and aid the users. 
  • Advertising: For the advertisement purposes that are most suitable to the client and its audience. 
  • Analysis and Improvement: For collecting data on the usage of the Services and improving them. 
  • Marketing: For sending promotional products such as trinkets to the target market. 
  • Legal Compliance: There are legal duties which accompany certain positions hence the need to complete them fully. 

integration of Social Network and Social Platform 

Our Services may interact with social networks and other services. That being the case, your data is shared among the third parties and is subject to those third parties’ Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. In this regard, we recommend that you go through their policies regarding these linked functions and features. 

Information Sharing Practices 

We may share non-personal and personal information with third parties under certain circumstances:

  • Service Providers: For carrying out transactions, improvement of Services, and to support e-commerce activities. 
  • Promotions and Events: For the purpose of notifying the users about events and other features which are integrated by the third party. 
  • Text Message Services: As a result of signing up to receive services through text messages you agree with us to provide information on Twilio, our third party.

Third-Party Features

Any features of Our Services which are provided through external service providers, for example, integrated logging into social networks or displaying videos on Our Services with the help of YouTube players, shall also be considered as Our Services. Many of these third parties may collect and use your information according to their own privacy policies. It is preferred that you go through such policies in advance once you consider to engage in any features with such options. 

By using www. nytinfonews. On the use of this website of com, you are presumed to have read and agreed to the provisions of this Privacy Policy and the manner in which your information will be processed as highlighted above.